& welcome to my solo adventure travel blog!

my Story:

Contrary to what many other travel bloggers and writers claim, I wasn’t ‘born’ to travel. In fact, international travel was never even on my radar, nor part of my upbringing. Family holidays consisted of destinations within a four hour radius from home in England and I’d only once set foot on a plane, but I was so young I can’t remember it.

My incredible 94 year old grandmother however, gallivanted around the world in her youth. It’s her stories of high tea with Sultans in Brunei, nearly getting trampled by elephants camping in Africa and fleeing the Viet Cong in Vietnam, that stirred something in me, and made me dream of adventuring to foreign lands.

After university, I took my first solo trip at 22 years old; a year backpacking through 12 countries and across 3 continents. I was meant to get travelling out of my system before I settled to the corporate career I had dreamed of since I was a child. But it didn’t quite go to plan…

Since that fateful trip, I’ve now visited over 35 countries and my life now completely revolves around organising my next adventure. I guess you crave what you wish you always had! So thanks for inspiring one of the most infectious, expensive and career-crushing hobbies out there Gran!

So, What’s This All About?

Having been inspired over seven years ago to start a travel blog, Travelling Tam is my corner of the internet to share travel information and inspiration order to help you to make adventure happen – especially if you’re thinking about going it solo. And that’s regardless of whether you’re seeking adventures in your home town, home country, or a little more further afield.

What Now?

I’m originally from North Yorkshire in England but I’m currently living in Melbourne, Australia. In fact, I’ve been residing Down Under for over six years now! You’ll probably notice a lot of Australian content, especially my home state of Victoria.

Right now I work full-time for a small tech company (which I love!) and I also write for various online publications in addition to this blog. I’m also the editor over at Adventure Brits, a new, community-driven UK outdoor publication.

Travel restrictions post COVID ( – and let’s not forget, the flight prices from Australia!) are making international travel a little hard, so for now I am enjoying exploring local, especially in my small camper van, Maeve. I hope to be back on more international flights very soon!

Travelling Tam Features & Interviews:



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