How Men Can Be Better Allies to Solo Womxn Travellers

I’m fortunate enough to have men in my life who are feminists, slowly being the change in a world where a womxn are, and historically have been second class citizens.

But not living in our shoes means it’s hard to really know what it’s like. Especially being female, alone AND far from home. Often just travelling in a country being the sex we are, leads to a plethora of harassment and discrimination that men simply do not face. It’s a fact.

However I know from my own male friends that it’s hard to know what is an act support and what is not. Sometimes actions and words driven by the absolute best of intentions are simply not helpful.

So I wanted to share what I think makes someone a great ally and supporter of womxn who travel.

This is by no means a comprehensive mantra of how to be the perfect supporter of womxn who travel alone. This list primarily stems from my own opinions and experiences (and I am conscious this is very much a straight, white female’s perspective). However I hope these points give you some food for thought.

If you identify as a man and you are reading this, then lastly thank you – your support and desire to learn how you can be a better ally to a solo womxn traveller is appreciated. We need more people like you (so feel free to share this with your pals!!)

So without further ado, here’s my guide on how to be a better ally to solo womxn travellers:

Call it out or step up

Someone taking inappropriate or unwarranted photos? Someone harassing us? Notice someone acting strange or we’re giving off vibes that something isn’t quite right? Please, please call it out or step up.

Ok, we’re not asking you to be knight-in-shining armours here. In fact please don’t, that puts us in an awkward position as we don’t ‘owe’ you. But if you see something wrong, the best thing you can do is call it out politely and discretely. And discretion here is the key. 

If you feel comfortable and it’s safe enough to do so, quietly and calmly confronting the perpetrator is ideal. Why? Well, we sadly live in a world where the perceived ‘threat’ of a man seems to have more power than our own opinions and wants as a womxn. 

Personally, I’ve had countless experiences where multiple repetitions of “no thank you, please leave me alone” have had zero affect. But when a man has stepped in and said “she’s good mate”, they’ve scampered. *eye roll*

And, in the situation where it’s unsafe or you feel uncomfortable going directly to the perpetrator (seriously, please don’t put yourself in danger trying to help), then do what you can to communicate to us, or silently intervene. 

Think body blocking if someone is being a creep, using body language, even passing us a note.

I was once on a bus and a guy passed me a scribble on a receipt asking if I wanted to swap seats with him. He’d noticed the guy next to me had been stroking my leg and staring at me for multiple hours straight whilst I slept…

Now that is a prime example of how a man can be a better ally to a solo womxn on the road, and be super chill about it at the same time.

Give us space whilst walking alone

Something that many men may not realise is just how daunting it can be walking somewhere unfamiliar, let alone at night, and having someone a little too close for comfort.

No one should feel unsafe doing something as simple as minding their own business but it’s a sad fact we do. Countless womxn disappear from the street all over the world. Just look at what happened recently to poor Sabina Nessa and Sarah Everard in London.

We’d appreciate it if you kept your distance, ideally by a few metres. And if it’s at night and it’s quiet (such as just you and I), please do not suddenly overtake us from behind or call out.

As extreme as this may sound, crossing the road on an empty street at night to walk on the opposite side to us is a gesture that really goes far.

Understand we may not want to share private information

So we’ve met and we’ve struck up conversation, that’s awesome. Some of the best friends you’ll ever meet will be when you travel solo.

Some people may feel totally comfortable telling you how long they’re in town for, what day they fly out or where they are staying. But some won’t, and please respect that. 

It’s nothing personal. ‘Stranger danger’ is something we get taught as a kid. And as an adult it still sticks. Quite frankly, it’s the sensible thing to do when you’re unsure of someone’s character. So please don’t push it or pry, we’ll disclose this information if we want to.

Get the hint with body language cues

If we’ve struck up a conversation, please look out for cues that mean we don’t want to continue talking.

Sorry, as harsh as this sounds, it needs to be said. Just because I’m trapped next to you at 30,000ft, it doesn’t mean I should tell you my life story.

If we’ve turned away, put headphones in, picked up a book or magazine or look or sound disinterested then please respect that we’re simply not interested.

Again, it could be nothing personal or us just being overcautious, but those subtle cues should be realised and respected.

If we say we’re good, we’re good

If we say no thank you, we’re fine or we things are under control, then we mean it. This is likely not our first rodeo.

If there’s been an incident of if you’re simply checking in if something isn’t right, then it’s absolutely a supportive gesture we appreciate. You’re signalling you’re there as an ally if we need it, so thank you. But any more than once can be patronising.

Likewise, if you’ve asked us if we want to join you somewhere, be it to grab some food or head out on a day trip and we say we’re OK thanks, it can come across threatening or pressuring if you keep asking. Thanks for understanding!

Sympathise with what we have to deal with

Underlying all these points is having a sympathy for the sh*t we have to put up with, which if you are reading this, you are probably somewhat aware of.

Unwanted touches, stares, catcalling, photo taking and more can be daily occurrences whilst travelling, especially in underdeveloped countries where education is lacking. In many parts of the world, females are still very much second class citizens or not respected.

We even have to think twice about what we wear for goodness sake.

Don’t underestimate our desire to be alone

Solo travel is the love of my life. I love the feeling of having a new experience and enjoying it with my own company. And a lot of the time, I find my experience more special solo, even if I have a friend or partner who wants to come with me.

If I’m sat alone at a restaurant, camping or hiking solo then I don’t need pitying. I don’t need anyone, let alone a man to second guess my intentions or come up to me offering me his company because I look lonely, sorry. 

Although I understand that there is this large grey area of wanting to be friendly (or make a friend) without being too over-friendly or making someone uncomfortable.

It’s hard to say what the right thing to do here is as every situation is different. But it can be done. These are just a few scenarios that have happened to me personally when I’ve been travelling solo, that I thought were a nice gesture of friendliness:

  • Lighting a communal fire at a camp site and mentioning I am welcome to join if I wish.
  • Leaving a note that a group is heading out at X time for dinner if I would like to join.
  • Asking if they can join me, but stating they totally understand if I’d rather them not.
  • Generally not making an issue or drawing attention to the fact I’m alone.. simple but true. It’s not a big deal and questions like “what are you doing out here alone” well… it comes across a little creepy!

Lastly… amplify our stories and voices!

There are some parts of travel that are particularly gendered. For example, adventure travel, wild camping and aviation are typically male-centric. Sharing and celebrating voices of solo womxn in such industries or travel situations is an awesome show of support.

Relaying our stories of the sh*t we have to put up with as a solo traveller to other males is also one way we can casually level the playing field by means of education. One extremely important way how men can be allies.

The more normal it is for people to support and respect solo female travel, the better.

I hope this post hasn’t come across as patronising or ‘man hating’ but I strongly believe that sharing first-hand experiences and challenges is the first step to creating awareness and consequently a fairer and safer world for all. Thank you for reading my opinion on how men can be allies to solo female travellers!

Going travelling Soon? Don’t forget these essentials!

Flights: compare and search for the cheapest flights using Skyscanner

Accommodation: hotels to hostels, glamping to apartments, I always use

Tours: to find the best group tours and activities worldwide (with up to 20% off), use Viator

Visa: don’t forget to check the entry requirements for the passport you are travelling with

Inspiration: to kick-start your next adventure, how about Lonely Planet’s Guide to the World?


how to be an ally to solo womxn travellers
how to support women who travel solo
how to be an ally to women who travel solo

*This post may contain affiliate links meaning should you purchase a product via this link, I’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. These are still products I use or believe in regardless. See my privacy and disclosure policy for more.*

11 thoughts on “How Men Can Be Better Allies to Solo Womxn Travellers”

  1. Your points are super accurate! I can’t tell you how many time men have questioned why I travel alone, as if I was gonna run to their arms to avoid “being lonely”. Understanding that women can be comfortable, and even thrive, on our own is key. Also with sharing info. I’m always asked where I’m staying, to which I reply with a general area, but guys tend to try to dig deeper. Get the message, people, if I wanted to give you details, you’d know them!

  2. This is such great and important advice! Especially about giving us space while we’re walking alone. It makes such a huge difference! Fortunately, I haven’t encountered too may issues when travelling, but I very rarely travel solo. But this advise is so relevant anywhere in the world, whether we’re at home or abroad. Thanks for sharing this important guidance. Let’s hope we can move forward in a world where women feel a little safer.

  3. very poignant reflections and they really resonate. There are so many occasions when I have been in situations where I hoped the men around had said something

  4. This is such an important post! I hope it can reach as many men as possible. I would love them to start picking up on language cues, but so many times many of them just don’t seem to see it – I’ll never understand. I’ve been in situations where I could have had men be a better ally to me, and hope things improve in the future. – Thanks for creating this

  5. I wish more men would read this or just have common sense . It really hurts to know women don’t feel safe traveling alone because of men and their actions . So far , I haven’t been in any situations but it’s also because I’m super cautious when I’m alone .

  6. This might be the most important post I’ve read in a while. Thank you for writing this. I found myself nodding along with the whole thing. The part about not questioning us being alone is so true. I don’t know how many times I’ve been happily reading a book and someone tell me I look lonely. I just want to finish my book!!!

  7. It’s happened a few times that I was in an unfriendly situation with a shady male character while traveling alone, and I was grateful that another man stepped in. Once I was followed in Turkey, so a shop owner intervened. Then there was the time a taxi driver was ripping me off by 2000% at 3 am, and luckily a passerby saw the interaction and stood up for me. There are good people everywhere, and I’m glad.

  8. What an incredible post and so important. Definitely stepping up when you see something is important and also giving women space, especially on fairly abandoned roads. You know you’re not scary or I’ll-willed, the other person does not. Great things to share!

  9. It’s great that you’ve written an article like this to raise awareness. I totally agree with giving space and accepting no as an answer. I’ve been in many uncomfortable situations because men were too persistent. And it wasn’t ok!


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